Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Narcissistic, Antisocial, And Dependent Personality Disorders
Discuss narcissistic, antisocial, and dependent personality disorders. Someone with narcissistic personality disorder would show an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with being admired, and a lack of empathy for the feelings of others (Hooley, p.349). Many studies support the fact that narcissism has two sub types: grandiose and vulnerable narcissism (cain et al.,2008; Ronningstam, 2005, 2012). The grandiose sub-type is manifested by traits related to grandiosity, aggression, and dominance. They usually overestimate their abilities and accomplishments and underestimate the abilities and accomplishments of others. They feel entitled, behave in stereotypical ways, and often think they can only be understood by those of†¦show more content†¦Anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) is described as someone who lacks moral or ethical development is unable to follow correct methods of behavior, finds ways to be deceitful, has no qualms in shamelessly manipulating others and tended to have had behavioral problems as a child. Accordin g to the DSM-5 only individuals over 18 can be diagnosed with ASPD and the symptoms must have been shown prior to 15. ASPD can be confused with psychopathy and although they have some overlap they are different. ASPD places heavy emphasis on observable behaviors such as lying, getting into fights, or failing to honor financial obligations (Hooley, p.356). With psychopathy, more emphasis is paid to personality characteristics such as superficial charm, lack of empathy, and manipulativeness. It seems that no matter how you look at it ASPD is affected by genes and the environment. The effects and interactions of ASPD that was once seen as simply unidirectional- family to child is now being understood that the effects can be bi directional going both ways. Individuals with dependent personality disorder (DPD) shows an extreme need to be taken care of, which leads to clinging and submissive behavior (Hooley, p.365). They are scared to be alone and usually build their lives around other people and subordinate themselves to them. They tend to beShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Personality Disorders ( Fort Hays State University989 Words  | 4 Pageswe discussed different types of personality disorders under three different categories or clusters such as odd, dramatic, and anxious. 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