Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Juvenile delinquency and the family structure Research Proposal
Adolescent misconduct and the family structure - Research Proposal Example a situation where the mother or the dad of a kid is a military work force and is sent for military missions in different nations. Research has shown that the sending of guardians (fighters) is factor that makes a hole among guardians and their youngsters particularly when they are sent for expanded timeframes: Thus, this prompts a situation where kids do not have the vital parental consideration. In an examination article distributed by the Worldwide Web 2007, it is demonstrated that young people inside military families need legitimate contacts with their folks making a situation of unseemly mentorship. The exploration likewise showed that a large portion of the mentorship programs gave to the adolescents, those whose guardians are on missions, are very inadequate and need re-assessment for development. The article likewise showed that a gathering of young people who took part in a roundtable gathering recognized that because of different mental anxieties brought about by the substa nce of their folks being in abroad missions, constrained them to submit adolescent offenses, for example, Underage drinking, truancy just as the time limitation infringement. Analysts have stated that valuable and a lot of assets have been spent on arrangements and projects that are ineffectual, so as to decrease event of adolescent wrongdoing (Petty 2009). It is hence basic to examine on plausible hazard factors, military family being one of them so as to encourage detailing of successful arrangements. Aside from this, my craving to embrace this exploration is driven by an energy to contribute emphatically to the present endeavors that have been coordinated towards decrease of misconduct among young people. The technique that will be utilized for information assortment in this examination will incorporate the utilization of surveys, explicitly open-finished polls. The utilization of open-finished polls is basic attributable to the way that it would make an open door for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Basin and Range Topography Overview
Bowl and Range Topography Overview In geography, a bowl is characterized as a limited zone where the stone inside the limits plunges internal toward the middle. On the other hand, a range is a solitary line of mountains or slopes framing an associated chain of land higher than the encompassing zone. At the point when consolidated, the two make up bowl and range geography. A scene contained bowls and ranges is described as having a progression of undulating mountain ranges sitting corresponding to low, wide valleys (bowls). Typically, every one of these valleys is limited on at least one sides by mountains and in spite of the fact that the bowls are generally level, the mountains can either rise suddenly out of them or slant upward bit by bit. The distinctions in heights from the valley floors to the mountain tops in most bowl and range territories can go from a few hundred feet to more than 6,000 feet (1,828 meters). Reasons for Basin and Range Topography The subsequent flaws are called ordinary blames and are portrayed by rocks dropping down on one side and ascending on the other. In these deficiencies, there is a hanging divider and a footwall and the hanging divider is answerable for pushing down on the footwall. In bowls and ranges, the draping mass of the flaw is the thing that makes the range as they are the squares of the Earths outside layer that are pushed upward during crustal expansion. This upward development happens as the outside spreads separated. This bit of the stone is situated on the edges of the separation point and goes up when the stone being moved in the expansion accumulates on the separation point. In geography, these reaches shaping along separation points are called horsts. Then again, the stone underneath the separation point is down dropped on the grounds that there is a space made by the difference of lithospheric plates. As the outside keeps on moving, it extends and gets more slender, making more blames and zones for rocks to drop into holes. The outcomes are the bowls (likewise called grabens in geography) found in bowl and range frameworks. One regular element to note on the planets bowls and ranges is the extraordinary measure of disintegration that happens on the pinnacles of the reaches. As they rise, they are promptly liable to enduring and disintegration. The stones are dissolved by water, ice, and wind and particles are immediately stripped and washed down the mountainsides. This disintegrated material at that point fills the shortcomings and gathers as residue in the valleys. The Basin and Range Province Inside the Basin and Range Province, the alleviation is unexpected and the bowls ordinarily go from 4,000 to 5,000 feet (1,200-1,500 m), while a large portion of the mountain ranges climb 3,000 to 5,000 feet (900-1,500 m) over the bowls. Passing Valley, California is the most reduced of the bowls with its least height of - 282 feet (- 86 m). Alternately, Telescope Peak in the Panamint Range toward the west of Death Valley has a rise of 11,050 feet (3,368 m), demonstrating the tremendous topographic noticeable quality inside the territory. As far as the Basin and Range Provinces physiography, it includes a dry atmosphere with not many streams and interior seepage (an aftereffect of the bowls). In spite of the fact that the region is dry, a significant part of the downpour that falls amasses in the least bowls and structures pluvial lakes, for example, the Great Salt Lake in Utah and Pyramid Lake in Nevada. The valleys are for the most part dry be that as it may and deserts, for example, the Sonoran command the locale. This region likewise influenced a critical part of the United States’ history as it was a significant boundary to westbound relocation on the grounds that the mix of desert valleys, limited by mountain ranges made any development in the region troublesome. Today, U.S. Expressway 50 crosses the district and traverses 6,000 feet (1,900 m) and is viewed as The Loneliest Road in America. Overall Basin and Range Systems Western Turkey is likewise cut by an easterly drifting bowl and range scene that reaches out into the Aegean Sea. It is likewise accepted that a significant number of the islands in that ocean are segments of extents between bowls that have a sufficiently high rise to break the sea’s surface. Any place bowls and ranges happen, they speak to a huge measure of geologic history as it takes a huge number of years to shape to the degree of those found in the Basin and Range Province.
David Anomalous Ransom, a postmodern rejuvenation of Homer's artistic epic, the Iliad not just investigates the Inner clash conceived In man through the horrendous endeavor of a way of vengeance, yet in addition the extreme scorn started by the agonizing loss of friends and family. It is plausible to numerous people that recovery isn't vindicated until Justice has been achieved.Nevertheless, for some, vengeance is the best wellspring of that accomplishment. Mallow in his own particular manner recognizes this thought, nonetheless, Juxtaposed with the idea of one's capacity to change and change, return back to the basic natures of mankind and conquer the most antagonistic conditions war uncovers, these two Ideas simply Illustrate certain conditions In the novel and subsequently go about as Just another piece of such a wonderful epic.It is regularly distinguished that the essence of Ransom is revolved around the idea of a keeps an eye on contempt and deep yearning to get payback on the people creating shameful acts, in any case, the book additionally shows the capacity of a person to change and receive an ideal persona that will be thought back for a long time into the future. Payment investigates what our identity is and having an Identity. As the pioneer of Troy for a long time, Prima has consistently seen himself as a king.However, as age starts to have a fortress on his life, the demise of Hector goes about as an ideal impetus for change. He understands his need to turn into a â€Å"father†as opposed to the â€Å"king†he has acclimated himself to. Mallow utilizes the Journey as a delineation that in spite of the fact that this may appear to be absolutely as a quest for his child's body, it is likewise a quest for himself, an inquiry to reevaluate what his identity is and how he wishes his inheritance will be eminent later on . This exact same thought can likewise be utilized comparable to the activity of current society.Mallow exhibits to his c rowd that in spite of the fact that at specific occasions people may feel caught in the character of something they're not, the capacity to change is huge and at last is just conceivable in the adjustment in ones outlook . Vengeance and disdain are a piece of the book, anyway the significance of one capacity to change is likewise extremely incredible to be subverted. Payment affects numerous perusers that It Is simply a tale about the satisfaction of ones disdain and the brilliance of vengeance, yet to numerous others, it Is story cap divulges much more. Nee of the key parts of the novel Is Its capacity to embody the intrinsic idea of mankind among people, paying little mind to status. Achilles is one of the best Greek saints known to man, in any case, all through the novel, Mallow conveys different occurrences that expressly uncover the genuine defenselessness of being human. From the very start of the piece, Achilles seems, by all accounts, to be in discussion with the ocean, befo re long explained to be his mom. Through this careful arrangement, Mallow communicates the mysterious parts of his nature.It Illustrates the thought of a double self, both human and unfading. Inconspicuously, it is a route for the perusers to comprehend that even the people who front the most strength, have milder sides that could unavoidably be discovered. Moreover, Prima, the lord and most influential individual in Troy likewise capitulates to the perspectives that drive people. Prima accidentally draws on the thought of mankind when he offers to Achilles as a dad in the desire for accepting his child's body. This very gathering Is Mallow's Indication that we are no different. He opportunity arrives, our last activity will consistently be reflected because of us essentially being human . Vengeance and scorn can be viewed as a humanly characteristic, in any case, for the most craft of the book there is no immediate connection , it is fairly different pieces of mankind that construc ts the establishment of the novel . All through the book, Mallow digs profound into the investigation of retribution and contempt, be that as it may, the idea of war's inefficient and considerable ruthlessness is additionally a critical part of the novel.Ransom hypothesizes about what war can and can't explain, and whether men are characterized by viciousness as a presentation of manliness, force and self-information. This is the very thought that Mallow echoes all through the novella, ceaselessly communicated using his principle characters. Achilles accepts that in the midst of all the injury and anguish brought to the city of Troy, it is important to retaliate for his adored â€Å"soul-mate and lover†, Patrols.This is the exact instant where his life starts to sneak out of control, the second it takes a way that appears to be unfathomable, a way loaded with sharply brutality. He starts to vent his developed disappointment and inward clash through the slaughtering of Hector, yet additionally the spoiling of his body. Through this particular presentation, Mallow matches the physical idea of Achilles with what many experience in the midst of the antagonistic vibe of war. He represents that war basically strips away all the social ornamentation with which we encircle ourselves and reveals the human body in its most exposed state.Some may find that war is vital for men to communicate with viciousness, anyway to other people, it tends to be depicted simply as a weak and weak reaction to what life pass on to them . Vengeance and contempt are significant components to the impressively far reaching topical novel, anyway the job of war in present day society is therefore as significant, and along these lines outlined seriously by Mallow all through his composition.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The sustainable tourism in New Zealand
Distinguishing proof of the primary concerns of the writing survey The present paper investigates the issues of feasible the travel industry with unique reference to New Zealand. In particular, the paper looks at the current connection between's maintainable the travel industry in this nation and the Resource Management Act.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The practical the travel industry in New Zealand explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper starts with the customary prerequisites for the travel industry arranging which incorporate a physical-spatial methodology, boosterism, a network situated methodology, and a monetary industry approach (Page Thorn, 1997). It at that point limits to reasonable the travel industry arranging as the fifth and later methodology. This decision has been required by its effect on the earth and financial turn of events, long haul worry for assets, and a craving to satisfy both the present and future needs. Regardless, certain conditions should likewise be satisfied before the travel industry arranging approach can be accomplished. They incorporate industry co-appointment, co-activity, non-feasible choices, buyer mindfulness with respect to the issue of supportability, duty to the reasonable objectives, and vital arranging. The presence of manageable the travel industry relies on the capacity of the travel industry to grasp development and advancement, alongside fluctuating degrees of vacationer at explicit areas. This calls for appropriate arranging. The paper contends that travel industry improvement ought to be a worry for both people in general and the private segments New Zealand is both a neighborhood just as a worldwide visitor goal and thusly, the legislature is worried about the travel industry development on account of its capability to create remote trade. The administration in this manner assumes a functioning job in the segment, through the Resource Management Act (Page Th orn, 1997). This is a body accused of the obligation of ordering enactment in regards to land arranging laws with respect to the travel industry. For this situation, accentuation is on contamination, soil the board, and waste removal. In any case, New Zealand has neglected to accomplish supportable the travel industry choices both at the nearby and territorial level on the grounds that there is a lacking national procedure or arrangement to control the standards recorded by the Resource Management Act.Advertising Looking for exposition on correspondences media? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research strategies The examination utilized an overview to look at the issue of the travel industry manageability both at the nearby and the provincial level. The exploration approach for the examination study was intended to investigate the level to which the travel industry went about as a principal action in most definitely, also i ts capacity as to the Resource Management Act (Page Thorn, 1997). The overview was very unmistakable in nature. For this situation, the fundamental goal of the overview was to catch how gatherings plan their travel industry exercises as an establishment for additional examination. The study survey comprised of 21 explicit inquiries, every one of which had various reactions. The overview respondents were the arranging chiefs at both the provincial and nearby specialists inside New Zealand. Along these lines, the overview survey was presented on the respondents and so as to energize the reaction the poll incorporate a prepaid bring envelope back. The investigation acknowledged 49 reactions out of the 81 posted. Discoveries The investigation understood a 64% reaction rate. It is worth of note cap of the 36% who didn't react, 50 % of these comprised of city boards. The non respondents were comprised of essential rustic and essential urban gatherings. Out of the 14 city boards met, just 7 respondents and out of 55 region committees met, just 22 didn't react. The examples of recognizing the travel industry decreased with increment in inhabitant populace. The capacity of the respondents to conjecture on the foreseen volume of guests inside their areas was likewise low, at 12%. half of the respondents were idealistic that the 1999/2000 America’s Cup Defense and the Sydney 200 Olympics would positively affect the business (Page Thorn, 1997). 63% of the respondents came up short on a particular approach to handle the issue of the travel industry inside their region. Albeit just about 66% of the boards had just executed a guest the executives system, a considerable lot of them (65%) are yet to hold onto it as a travel industry methodology. The RMA enactment was met with obstruction by some of the chamber. As far as improvement, a greater part of these were credited to the private area (68%). Conversation Although the travel industry keeps on appreciating social an d monetary significance in New Zealand, in any case the administration has surrendered local and neighborhood economies to ponder the test of taking care of future the travel industry improvement. The RMA has additionally not prevailing with regards to setting up if undoubtedly the travel industry should be obliged, discouraged, or extended in specific territories (Page Thorn, 1997).Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The feasible the travel industry in New Zealand explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The household and global the travel industry might be getting a charge out of financial and social advantages of the travel industry however attributable to an absence of a national structure, these advantages can't be spread out to bigger areas. Study Although the article contends that the New Zealand government perceived the need to find some kind of harmony between the benefit arranged private part and the open area which is increasingly worried about the issue of financial advancement, it isn't clear yet why the Tourism Policy Group is both understaffed and underfunded, yet the travel industry stays a key manager in New Zealand. It is likewise amusing that a similar body is additionally accused of the obligation of invigorating neighborhood and territorial the travel industry. In any case, the investigation has figured out how to profit by one of the shortcomings of earlier research contemplates that have neglected to look at the pretended by such legal bodies as the RMA as for both nearby and territorial the travel industry manageability. In any case, the investigation is described by various disparities with respect to the respondents. For instance, a portion of the chambers reacted in the interest of others and this not an impression of the genuine discoveries of the examination. The technique for controlling the polls (postal study) may likewise have had impact in diminishing the reaction rate. Additionally, there was no follow-up of those respondents who didn't present their review poll, leaving the scientists to figure with regards to the absence of their reaction. The survey was additionally point by point and requesting (21 different reaction polls) and this could have added to the absence of fruition of the survey by a portion of the respondents. Subtleties on the volumes of household visitor are additionally extremely scrappy but then the investigation expects to inspect reasonable the travel industry at the nearby and local levels. Planers and leaders depend on obsolete information and this may maybe clarify the absence of an unmistakable picture on household the travel industry. Age of Question One of the inquiries that could be created from the present examination is; does the future search brilliant for supportable the travel industry arranging in New Zealand?Advertising Searching for exposition on interchanges media? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Reference List Page, S. J., Thorn, K. J., 1997. Towards Sustainable Tourism Planning in New Zealand: Public Sector Planning Responses. Diary of Sustainable Tourism, 5(1). This article on The practical the travel industry in New Zealand was composed and put together by client Thunderball to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Monday, July 27, 2020
When to Cut Ties With a Longtime Employee
When to Cut Ties With a Longtime Employee Whoever is at work in charge of a team, a department, or an entire company would probably tell you that its always better to have long-term trusting relationships with the people they lead, instead of changing the people they work with often.Although its ideal that you become close with the people you work with, unfortunately, sometimes, uncomfortable situations can be even harder because you guys became so close.This is why sometimes its a blessing in disguise when you dont get work with your colleagues.When you become close, the motivation for work gets higher, but also less strictness and authority is present.After a while, you as a boss, feel that your employee is not performing as he was, or that he doesnt fit the team anymore.Whether or not they are your friend, the person has been in the company a long time, and you know it will be hard to end it, but you need to find a way to cut ties.Well, in this article, we will cover:what ground is there to cut ties with someonehow to end your work relationship with an employee: over the phone or in personwhat to expect after you fire someonepieces of advice for you as a bossAlthough its true that rarely anyone finds easy firing someone, its also true that if there is ground to do it, its always better to do it.Were here to make this process as painless as possible and help you do this!Lets get on it!REASONS FOR CUTTING TIESYou know that time you worked on something with someone, and you didnt enjoy the atmosphere?You just didnt feel comfortable or nice? Surely, you remember at least one of those types of situations. Maybe it was:when you had homework in school which you needed to do in a teamwhen you applied for a hackathon or a case study with people you didnt know wellat your first jobat your current jobThere are a lot of toxic workplaces because people become unpleasant because of stress.It only takes one influential toxic person to spread the unpleasantness through the entire team or organization.Now, weve prep ared for you examples of behavior you as a boss should be on the lookout for.If you see some of these happen, consider your next course of action with that employee, because you might have to fire him/her later. 1. The employees performance drops excessively.Are they late with delivering what is necessary to their clients? Are they having fewer meetings? Are their results getting worse? An employee is mainly judged by his/her performance. After all, they are there to get the job done.Underperforming is the least toxic behavior, but it can spread easily. If other people see one employee slacking and getting away with it, they might start to do it too.As a boss, you need to be strict with performance because your results depend on others work. Sometimes, underperformance happens because of external factors like the market has changed, or a new competitor appeared.Sometimes it can also be because of private reasons: a baby is on the way, or someone in their family has health issues.Ei ther way, openly talk about performance with the employee and make them know youre there to help with more educational training, or maybe with an altered job description with less work until they are back on their feet.2. The employee is easily replaced.Sometimes, one of your workers cant get fired because they have a key position for getting the job done on time.This postpones cutting ties, so when you want to fire someone, consider how currently they are vital to the team.If their performance and/or behavior is bad, and the costs of time and money are low for their replacement, there isnt any need for you to worry how this move will affect the companys performance.It will probably be better than before anyway so you will know that you made the right decision.3. The employee has two jobs.Nowadays its very popular for workers to have a side job.The hustle culture is getting stronger and more and more people to want to become entrepreneurs.Not to mention that a lot of people are g etting into freelancing waters, which can pay nicely.You might sense that your employee isnt fulfilled by his/her work and would like to switch to a different profession.Also, he/she is losing focus because of the other work, which is more interesting.Before cutting ties if this happens, check with them if theres anything you can do to make their current job better.Anyway, it might even be better for them and for you to let them focus on their side gig full time.4. The employee gossips a lot.As a manager or a boss, its your job to make tough decisions.Those decisions are only made harder because you know not everybody is going to like them.You know those people who openly talk with everyone about how your decision was wrong and that they wouldve made a better one? If you do, then you know how frustrating it is to have them in your firm.People who gossip are tricky because they can be big influencers on your less-experienced employees.So, if you notice that there are gossips spreadi ng around, not only about you or your work but also about other people, be sure to find the source of those stories and confront them about it.5. The employee isnt accountable.Some workers have a hard time owning up to their mistakes and being accountable.They often play the blame game by shifting the responsibility to their co-workers or subordinates if they are managers.But these people are not hesitant when it comes to accepting praise for the results which they accomplished with someone.Leading unaccountable people is not only unproductive because you never know if theyll do something that theyve promised to do, but also can lead to good employees quitting because they feel that theyre not treated accordingly.Accountability is one of the building blocks of a good performing team, so encourage others to talk with an accountable person as well.6. The employee put himself/herself before the team.Having a person who puts their own results before the teams results is very hard to m anage.Departments which need to work together, like marketing and sales, need good synergy in order for the company to perform.Its always better to have good team players, so if you have great solo players work with them, so they become one great part of a team!7. The employee acts like a dictator.If youre higher at the hierarchy in your company, the people who manage people are also your employees.As such, you should also pay attention to how they treat their people because the workers at the lowest level are the ones who are on the field and bringing the results.If your manager is power-hungry the people, he/she leads wont trust him/her.A working environment without trust will never accomplish anything good.When a manager delegates everything and doesnt listen to feedback, employees become unsatisfied, and then they start to work less and worse.So, if you notice that you have a dictator in your team, immediately talk to him/her about that.After all, it could be that theyre just n ot aware of their own bad behavior.HOW TO END IT?At some point, you might see that you and the employee had different visions for the company.They still work for you because of good conditions, or maybe they dont want to look for a new job, but you see that their performance is a mere fraction of what it used to be.You can let the employee know of your decision in a lot of ways:You can phone themYou can let them know in personPeople choose the first two options because theyre easier, of course.However easy it may seem to avoid eye contact for this conversation, we recommend that you do this in person.This move is more valued and respected. Also, if you guys have a friendship, doing this in person is the least you can do.The employee will also better understand you if you do this face-to-face.However, sometimes you really dont have time to do this in person, so we will also cover here on how to let someone go over the phone or via e-mail.1. Cutting ties in person.i. Prepare to say w hich behaviors led to this.This is very important because your decision should be objective and not subjective.By making them know which exact behavior led to this, not only do you seem more objective, but the person will also know what to work on.Surely there are big reasons for firing them, so name all you can think of:being late for workmissing meetingsnot dressing properlyusing unwanted languagenot doing enough workdisrespecting colleagues etc.Think of it like this if you were fired, wouldnt you want to know why youre fired for, so you know not to make the same mistakes at your next job?Its always better to talk with your employee about these things as soon as they happen, so you know youve tried to fix them.This way your mind is easy because you know that your decision wasnt rash but that you tried and it didnt work out.ii. Have an open direct conversation.When you guys meet, dont wander around the topic. The sooner you talk about the elephant in the room, the better youll bot h feel. For example, you can begin the conversation like this:To be completely honest, Ive invited you to this meeting to talk to you about finding your way to other companies. Im sorry that it had to come to this.Ive thought about it a lot, and Im sure that this is the right thing to do. In the past period *now name the situations which led to this*.Be prepared for a bad dramatic reaction. Whatever their initial reaction is (its probably not going to be a good one), hear them out and try to comfort them professionally.You should remain calm and remember at all times why youre doing this, so you dont give them their job back because of empathy.Make sure that you let them know their time in this company is valued and that you are sure theyll find a new job soon.iii. A complete example.Hello, welcome. I arranged this meeting for us so I can tell you that, unfortunately, this is your last day with us. Ive thought about this a lot, and Ive decided that this is the best course of action for everyone. In the past period you did this, this and this (name the exact bad behavior which led to this) and weve tried to work on fixing these behaviors, am I right? So far, I havent seen progress in your work, which is why Im letting you go.I know that you might want to say a proper goodbye to some people here, you can do that today or tomorrow. These are workdays so you can reach out to them after work hours. I think that theyll appreciate it. I will let everyone know what happened once we are done with the meeting here.I have your final paycheck, which covers everything until today, and I also have a separation agreement for you. This agreement expires in X days, and if you sign it, we can give you $X. I understand that youll probably want to review it.Please collect your stuff from the desk today or tomorrow; we can help you with that.Do you have any questions?2. Cutting ties over the phone.Although this is the worse option, its sometimes the only one.The employee might be a remote workerYou might be in another country, and this cant waitThey might be currently in another countryFirst, check if you can even do this legally. It might violate the contract, and you might get a lawsuit if that is the case. Once youve checked this, arrange the call and make sure to leave out a lot of time for the conversation.Book it in the time of day when you have time to talk; youre not expecting a short call. They will probably talk to you at least a little.Whether you fire someone over a phone or in person, expect questions concerning:severanceunemployment insurancedetails about termination of benefits etc.AFTERMATH OF CUTTING TIES WITH AN EMPLOYEEWhen you cut ties with a longtime employee expect to feel bad if its your first time doing it.You probably dont like to hurt someone as much as the next guy, so its completely normal that you feel bad.Dont worry; it will pass. Keep in mind that you did this for a reason.One of the most important things to remember to do whe n you cut ties with someone is to take away their access to classified information.They still might have access to their professional e-mails, and nothing is stopping them from sending out e-mails in the companys name.This is unlikely to happen, but know that if people overreact to this, there is no telling what they could do.So, take away their access to the companys:phone numberemailGoogle DriveCRMSocial media profiles etc.What you can also expect when you fire someone is to spend a lot of time making up for their leave.The search for another candidate may be a long one, and even after you find him/her, it will still take some time until they do the job well.When you take this into consideration, it is great to have a suited education cycle ready for the new employee, so they learn the job as fast as possible.Expect to hear people talking about this, especially people who are close to the employee who got fired. Try to understand them as much as you can.Think of how you would feel if your friend got fired from the same company you guys work in.But, if the rumors escalate to an unwanted level, confront openly the ones who are talking about it.PIECES OF ADVICESometimes, if the issues arent big enough for the person to leave the company entirely, consider demoting them or allocating them to a different project. This might be a better solution for both of you. Keep in mind that this person has been in the company for a long time and that his/her experience in it is still valuable to you.Make your final decision on whether you want to fire someone by answering the question What is best for the company?. Making the best call for the company is your job, and you know that the companys needs come first. If you determine that this employee is no longer bringing anything good to the company, or that someone will do everything better than them, then its time to let them go.The more you postpone this decision, the worse it will get. Your companys performance and culture will suffer more and more. Once you decide that its your final decision, execute on it immediately.If its your first-time practice this with someone, you trust. By simulating the conversation, you will prepare for the real one.Dont fire someone without warning. In this article, weve covered a lot of reasons for cutting ties with someone, but as weve mentioned, you should never react on the first impulse. When you notice something bad, immediately talk to the employee about it and be prepared to work it out. Resort to firing them only when youve already tried to work with them on their bad behavior and when youve warned them where their bad behavior leads.Keep the conversation from your side short and simple. Be prepared for the conversation to take time, but you should do the talking for only the necessary part. Let them know the decision is final; you dont want them to start negotiating with you.Try to end the meeting on a positive note. To help the employee try to give them a boo st. Mention what theyve done for the company and how much that was valued. Name their skills and propose jobs that would fit them. If its possible, offer to write them a recommendation letter for future job applying.If youre not close with the employee, consider having a third person present for the conversation. HRs are regularly present at these types of conversations and can be of help when you go through this. Not only are they there as a witness, but also to help with dealing with the employee.FINAL WORDOne of the points to take out from reading this would be to be careful of who we hire and how close we get to meet them.But you really cant predict anything. In different circumstances, you mightve had everything a great friend who you do great work with!Being careful about who you befriend at work isnt recommended. Rather, focus on good selection processes and give immediate feedback on bad work or behavior.You cant find a perfect employee, but you can make one with good commu nication and their willingness to work on their weaknesses.When youre in charge of people, sooner or later youre going to cut ties with someone. This isnt only a bad thing, but a good thing as well. Youre saving yourself from stress in the future, and that person will probably be happier somewhere else.You got this role because you are capable of doing it.This is just another part of the job description.Hopefully, in this article, you found how to do this as nice as possible. We got your back and believe that you can do this!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
It’s College Acceptance Letter Time Managing the Highs Lows of being Accepted or Rejected
One of the most stressful times of the college application season has begun. First round acceptance and rejection letters are hitting the post office, and are about to turn your childs life upside down. For better or worse, it is important to let them know you are by their side, no matter what the college acceptance letter says.To help you navigate the upcoming emotional minefield, here are some tips to make this exciting (and terrifying) time more manageable.Manage Your Own Emotions, No Matter What the College Acceptance Letter SaysEvery parent wants the best for their child. And seeing a rejection letter can be just as hard on parents as it is for their kids.With that in mind, it is important to manage how you react to the news. Remember, this is about your child, and isnt a reflection on you or your parenting abilities. You need to focus on your kids needs first and help them work through any emotions that come along, regardless of whether the college acceptance letter is positive or negative.Let Your Child Feel TheirsThis is one of the biggest moments in your childs life (so far), and they will have a strong emotional reaction. Whether the news is bad or good, let your child express how they are feeling fully. It is better they work through these emotions with a supportive parent than to bury them inside.Even students with perfect academic records, a variety of extracurricular activities, substantial volunteer hours, and great test scores might get rejected from certain highly selective schools. If your child is used to excelling academically, then a rejection may take them (and you) by complete surprise. It is important to help them see beyond this, especially if there are other schools from whom a response has yet to be received.Additionally, if a college acceptance letter from their first choice university shows up, they may be elated and simultaneously terrified. Let them express their happiness, and be prepared to help them manage the anxiety and doubt associated with such a big life change. Even when the news is positive, going to college is a big step, and that automatically comes with at least some nervousness and jitters.Discretion is the Better Part of ValorSensitivity is key regardless of the news your child receives. Many high school students tell their friends and classmates about the colleges to which they applied based on the initial excitement about becoming a college student. But, once the results come in, it is important to handle the information delicately.If your child isnt accepted into their dream school, understand that they will have a hard time facing the rejection once it is made public. This applies to reactions from family members as well as their school friends. Facing the reality that their dream future didnt accurately reflect what is happening is hard, and they will need your support.Even if your child is admitted into their first choice college, make sure they handle the notification with class. Avoid posting the college acceptance letter all over social media, and handle informing close family members or friends carefully. While the accomplishment should be celebrated, other students who havent been accepted to their dream school may be resentful. And a jealous person may act irrationally.Remind your child about handling the news tactfully, and discourage them from blatant bragging. Ultimately, it is still early in the college acceptance process, so many other high school students are waiting for news that simply hasnt arrived yet. And bragging can increase the anxiety of those who havent heard about their application as well as frustrate those who have received rejection letters.Form a PlanBeing accepted or rejected both call for additional action plans. If your child is rejected from one or more schools, but they havent received responses from every institution, review the timelines associated with those schools to see how long it may take to get the news. That will let you kn ow if you can sit in a holding pattern or if it is time to apply to other colleges or universities.If there arent any more applications in the works, then it is time to dive into alternative options. Many institutions are still accepting applicants for the Fall 2017 semester, so there is still time to get into a school that offers the program in which your child is interested. While it may be hard for them to push forward, it is important to do so.For times when your child is accepted by a school but has not heard from their first choice, then review the acceptance packet for information about required documentation and due dates. If a response isnt required until after your high school student should hear from their top pick, then make notes on the dates above and be prepared to complete the paperwork on time if the other school does not accept them.If your child is admitted to their top choice, then it is time to get that paperwork going! Review the information provided in the acc eptance packet and begin completing everything that is required. Certain aspects, like dorm preferences, may be made on a first-come-first-serve basis, so you want to get your response in quickly. That, and the faster this work is done, the faster you can move on to other things.Prepare the FundsNow that you know where your child is going to school, you can start working on tuition. In most cases, the financial aid packet has not been finalized, so it can be difficult to make commitments unless you know you can afford the tuition required.However, there are numerous ways to help supplement their college funds without knowing about financial aid awards. A range of scholarships are still taking applications, so now is a great time to kick that into high gear. And we provide a free webinar to help you do just that.If you want a hand finding great scholarship opportunities for your high school or college student, join our free webinar for parents, and get started on funding their educat ion today.Once everything is moving forward, it is a very good idea to take some time for fun too. If you are wondering what you can do with your high school student during the winter break, here are 15 fun activities to try today.Pin12RedditShareLeave a Comment
Friday, May 22, 2020
Study Abroad at University of Belgrano
Study Abroad at University of Belgrano University of Belgrano provides an excellent opportunity to gain valuable and memorable experience in the educational program. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity to improve my education and skills. I have recently visited Buenos Aires along with my friend, and now I can state that I have fallen in love with this place. I decided to become a participant of this program for several reasons, which are directly connected with my major specialty. At the moment, I am a student of Florida International University, where I study the Criminal Justice. The study abroad program will give me the opportunity to teach the Spanish language and culture that has long been a dream of mine. This is not my first experience in foreign training; I have taken the gap year studying in Jerusalem. Staying and studying in other countries have allowed me to learn more about people of other cultures and traditions. I believe that this experience is invaluable in shaping not only the knowledge, but also my personal qualities. Precisely, many things will depend on the kind of the classes, but I am sure that this program will discover many new opportunities for me based on what I have learned about the University. In fact, after I get my Bachelors degree, I plan to study law, which will allow implementing my potential and improving my skills. The University of Belgrano provides a plenty of educational programs, additional courses and number of the most interesting specialties. As I have already mentioned, my goal is to study the Spanish language and culture; I have always been interested in the Spanish culture because I live in Miami. For a long time, I have been growing among Spanish-speaking people who have special personal qualities and whose culture has a very interesting origin. Initially, I plan to learn more about the city and about Argentina. To do this, I will have to visit many historical sites as well as make new friends. For some time, I would like to study the culture, art and language, which will help me to better understand the people who live there. Undoubtedly, the University of Belgrano has an impressive teaching staff with a specialization in the Law and Political Science; therefore, the level of education obtained through this program can be defined as high and relevant. In the future, I would like to work in Miami, thus, the knowledge of this program is very useful for me. Criminal Justice at FIU is very similar to the Law and Political Science in the University of Belgrano, although there are also some significant differences. However, the Law and Political Science classes provide more opportunities in the choice of future profession. The combination of these two items will make my education more effective and profound. In addition, the University of Belgrano provides many other exciting opportunities that will enrich my experience within the framework of this program. The University staff holds the conferences involving various specialties almost every week. At the same time, the University helps to apply students knowledge in practice. This experience will enable me to improve a number of the important skills that will build my career in future. Apart from the useful experience in the field of the Criminal Justice, Law and Political Science, I will be able to improve Spanish and thus greatly expand my communication capabilities.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The African-American Migration Experience - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 564 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/10/31 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: The Great Migration Essay Did you like this example? In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience present in pictures the development of African-American history inside the United States called the second extraordinary relocation. That relocation centers around oneself propelled exercises of people groups of African plunge to revamp themselves and their universes. African Americans left the South and traveled north or west which has on a very basic level changed the geographic guide of dark America. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The African-American Migration Experience" essay for you Create order Their basic instincts, proficient systems, and dynamic culture empowered them to flourish and spread, and to be at the specific center of the settlement and advancement of the America. The pictures of the on-line exhibit of the second migration show the decent variety of individuals who left the south and traveled north or west. Also, however a large portion of the pictures highlighted in the presentation highlight an extensive variety of social classes, age, and finance that were included. In any case, there are solid signs in the pictures that the second Great Migration was selective. The majority of people who were part of the great migration had already made the transition to urban life, or possibly to wage work, and who were by and large educated over their non-moving neighbors. The shows photos feature their developments by including picture of an assembly line laborer in Alabama. The exhibition likewise moves to expose images from urban and rural to demonstrate the conditions of individuals in the provincial south to explain why the majority of the migrant came from the urban area. A far-fetched picture from the south country, an image of kids in outrageous neediness sitting on the ground talk noisy about the conditions individuals live in. It likewise incorporated the image of multi day work in the south to exhibit how far African American voyaged at some point for multi day or half a month of work as cotton or strawberry pickers. These conditions were the reasons numerous southerners moved to urban zone in the south before escaping north with the second great migration. Likewise of exhibiting photos of the foundation and the reasons that pushed individuals to travel north or west, the on-line exhibit contains pictures that talk about the kinds of occupations, and the states of life the migrants had. The migrants worked in deplorable conditions and lived in packed and run down lodges. A few kids moved around with their parent and worked all day in similar conditions. To illustrate that, the exhibit presents an image of a young migrant worker. Finally, the exhibition touches the conflicts related to the increase of the northern and the western urban population. Among them the segregation and discrimination the migrants found in their new homes led to volatile situation. The hatred over discrimination in jobs and housing, police brutality, and embarrassments of various types prompted significant chaos. A picture from Harlem urban rebellion that talks about the shooting of a black soldier intervening during the arrest of a black woman is used to materialize one of the conflict. Taking everything into account, I will state that the on-line show was efficient and expansive in degree since it addresses each part of the second great migration. As an African who has never taken in the African American history, the degree and association of the presentation was a stage that helped me comprehend the battle and hardship the black community when through before and during the second great migration.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Phillips Curve Methodology Is Used On An Information Set...
Abstract In a creating nation like Pakistan, Phillips Curve methodology is utilized on an information set of 35 years. Phillips Curve helps in analyzing the relationship in the middle of inflation and unemployment. There is a non-relative negative relationship in the middle of inflation and unemployment (if unemployment is decreased than there is a rising value level in the economy). There is a long-run and easygoing relationship in the middle of inflation and unemployment over the above-mentioned period in Pakistan. There is a momentary relationship (stuns) in the short-run, while there is a lasting relationship (stuns) over the long run. By taking a look at the relationship built, one can estimate for next 10 years, that there will be a reverse relationship between both variables. This paper records an inflation insignificantly influences GDP and unemployment and the correlation is negative, exact confirmation for the presence of the Phillips Curve in Pakistan i.e., inflation has reduced un employment. Keywords: Phillips curve, Granger causality, Impulse response function, Pakistan, monetary Introduction For progressive governments in Pakistan poverty remains as a solitary principle test like other creating and immature nations. Right away, legislative and certain non-administrative association have evaluated more than quarter of Pakistani population living under poverty line. As indicated by Human Development Index (HDI) 2009 report, Pakistan, Bangladesh, andShow MoreRelatedInflation and Unemployment in Germany5386 Words  | 22 Pages Abstract Potential links between inflation, À(t), and unemployment, UE(t), in Germany have been examined. There exists a consistent (conventional) Phillips curve despite some changes in monetary policy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Life of a Vietnam Soldier - 582 Words
Wars are fought for freedom and independence and usually when soldiers come home we receive them with open arms ready to praise them and thank them for putting their lives on the line. If you were asked to describe a soldier, you’d probably say heroic, brave, courageous, or honorable. After the Vietnam War, parades weren’t the welcoming soldiers got; instead, they were shunned and booed at. People’s opinion on the war was greatly influenced by the media. During the Vietnam War, the horrors that were happening on the battlefield were shown to Americans in their living rooms. There was no censorship meaning Americans back home saw dead bodies, Vietnamese children being shot and villages being burnt, all done by American Soldiers. Watching children, babies and old people being killed caused people to label soldiers as murderers and baby killers. Before Vietnam, soldiers had always been shown in a heroic way. But now, reporters would show only parts of a story, the parts that made soldiers look bad. In the Vietnam War, reporters could literally follow soldiers onto the battle fields and show it on television. Also, most photographers were interested in showing the bad aspects of the war such as the remaining destroyed village of Vietnamese or the suffering of soldiers. The media built stereotypes of soldiers at war as part of anti- war protests so photographers would show the parts that benefited anti-war protests and captured only half the story in his photograph. ForShow MoreRelated Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor Essay1150 Words  | 5 PagesSweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor  The Vietnam War is a strange and unexplainable event in American history. The controversies surrounding the American involvement in Vietnam and the need for Vietnam veterans to tell their stories of the war are prevalent in the post-Vietnam culture of America. The stories that will last forever are those that swirl back and forth across the border between trivia and bedlam, the mad and the mundane(89). The story of the sweetheart of the SongRead MoreThe Vietnam War, Grandpas Story1281 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The Vietnam war was a costly and very long conflict that eroded the communist regime of North Vietnam and its allies against the South Vietnam and its ally, us the United States of America (Unknown Source).†The Vietnam War began on the eve of 1959, causing a struggle between two of our major national forces. These two forces were attempting to unify the country the both love, Vietnam. Many of the young souls were young men, such as my grandfather who felt that they were helping their country.Read MoreThe Impact of the Vietnam War on Veterans Essay966 Words  | 4 PagesHow did a Vietnam soldiers life change during and after the war. Society had a lot of different views regarding the soldiers and the war. When coming home veterans faced many distinct challenges. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial helped to heal the nation. The Vietnam War had a major impact on the United States and the soldiers who fought in it. The Vietnam War was a violent and costly war that needed many men to fight for its cause. These men are now known as the Vietnam veterans. Numerous veteransRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien899 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the Vietnam War, a range of emotions occurred within every soldier. Even though some veterans can move past their memories of war, many soldiers became haunted by their dark memories. In Tim O’Brien’s fictional novel The Things They Carried, O’Brien takes his readers through several different events and emotions that occurs to his character during the Vietnam War. 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Over this period, 9,087,000 men from United States were deployed, 58,220 were killed and more than 300,000 were wounded. The war also killed an estimated 2 million Vietnamese civilians, 1.1 million North Vietnamese troops, and 200,000 South Vietnamese troops. The Vietnam War was the first war America ever lost and this lost would lead to a heavy impact on theRead MoreWar in Films: Universal Soldier1320 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst the Vietnam War made their views known by many forms of protesting such as forming organizations, rallying, and anti-war protest music. Anti-war protest music was an opportunity to put people’s perspectives into song to hopefully spread their message. Buffy Sainte-Marie wrote the song â€Å"Universal Soldier†in 1962 and her message was that â€Å"Universal Soldier is about individual responsibility for w ar and how the old feudal thinking kills us all†(Boulanger). 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The story takes place in Vietnam, during the war, sometime in the 1960s. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, and his unit are in Vietnam serving for the United States. Jimmy, is in love with a college woman named Martha from back home. Martha writes JimmyRead MoreReality of the Vietnam War843 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Vietnam War During the Vietnam War the reality of warfare brought many soldiers back to a home that didnt want them. Their feelings torn by atrocities, the loss of friends, and the condition of loneliness only made the experience worse. Did the issues on the home front affect the issues on the frontline? The novel Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers is a perfect example of the conflict and diversity among other soldiers during the Vietnam War. It shows the reality many soldiers faced and
Ap World History 2010 Q3 Free Essays
WORLD HISTORY 2010 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 3  Comparative BASIC CORE (competence) 0–7 Points 1. Has acceptable thesis. 1 Point †¢ The thesis must include both a valid similarity and a valid difference in methods of political control in two of the empires. We will write a custom essay sample on Ap World History 2010 Q3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ The thesis must be relevant to the time period, but the dates need not be explicit. †¢ The thesis must be explicitly stated in the introduction or the specified conclusion of the essay. †¢ The thesis may appear as one sentence or as multiple sentences. †¢ A thesis that is split among multiple paragraphs or merely restates the prompt is unacceptable. The thesis CANNOT count for any other point. 2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. 2 Points For 2 points: †¢ Identifies at least one valid similarity and one valid difference in methods of political control. †¢ Discusses two empires but not necessarily evenly. For 1 point: †¢ Identifies at least one valid similarity or at least one valid difference in methods of political control. †¢ Discusses two empires but not necessarily evenly. 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. 2 Points For 2 points: Must provide at least five specific pieces of evidence (at least two from each empire). †¢ Evidence must be within the designated time periods (e. g. , evidence from the Roman Republic or Qin dynasty is not acceptable). For 1 point: †¢ Must provide at least three specific pieces of evidence (at least one from each empire). †¢ Evidence must be within the designated time periods. 4. Makes at least one direct, relevant comparison between/among societies. 1 Point (The direct comparison may discuss either similarities or differences. ) †¢ To earn this point, the comparison must be made somewhere other than in the thesis. . Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or a difference identified in a direct compariso n. †¢ Analysis (reason why) must be related to a similarity or a difference in methods of political control between the two empires. Subtotal 1 Point 7 Points  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. AP ® WORLD HISTORY 2010 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 3  Comparative (continued) EXPANDED CORE (excellence) Expands beyond basic core of 1–7 points. A student must earn 7 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area. 0–2 Points Examples: †¢ Has a clear, analytical and comprehensive thesis. †¢ Addresses all parts of the question thoroughly (as relevant): comparisons, chronology, causation, connections, themes, interactions, content. †¢ Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis. †¢ Relates comparisons to larger global context. †¢ Makes several direct, relevant comparisons between or among societies. †¢ Consistently analyzes the causes and effects of relevant similarities and differences. †¢ Applies relevant knowledge of other regions or world historical processes. †¢ Discusses change over time (e. g. changing methods of political control as the empires began to decline). †¢ Recognizes nuances within empires. Subtotal 2 Points TOTAL 9 Points  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. ollegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. AP ® WORLD HISTORY 2010 SCORING COMMENTARY Question 3 Overview The intent of the question was for students to pick two of the stipulated empires  Han China (206 B. C. E. to 220 C. E. ), Mauryan/Gupta India (320 B. C. E. to 550 C. E. ), Imperial Rome (31 B. C. E. to 476 C. E. )  and compare the ways those empires exerted political control over their populaces. Students were explicitly told to discuss both similarities and differences in methods of political control. Sample: 3A Score: 8 The essay contains a valid thesis in the second and third sentences of the first paragraph (1 point). In the fourth paragraph, the essay addresses a similarity (â€Å"Both empires had unstable borders†) and several differences, including â€Å"However, Han China dealt with the Turkic Huns through the tribute systems, thus placating them with gifts and avoiding costly expensive warfare, which Rome preferred when dealing with their enemies†(2 points). Although there is ample evidence for the Han, Roman evidence is limited by discussion of the Republic, which could not be counted. There is, however, enough evidence for 2 evidence points. In addition to the direct comparison listed above, there is another difference at the bottom of the second paragraph  â€Å"However, because there was less emphasis as a collective group in Rome, the political organization was a lot less structured than China’s† which earned 1 point for the comparison and 1 point because the statement also involves an analysis. This essay contained a complex thesis, sufficient depth of comparison, and supporting evidence to earn 1 Expanded Core point. Sample: 3B Score: 6 This essay contains a valid thesis in the first paragraph (1 point) and addresses both similarities and differences (2 points). There is sufficient evidence for both the Mauryan/Gupta and the Han empires (2 points). The direct comparison is found in the second paragraph: â€Å"Han China and Maurya Gupta [sic] both consolidated their power through military buildup†(1 point). The essay attempts analysis in the next to the last paragraph but only analyzes the Han: â€Å"Due to their lack of a devout religion, China was able to assimilate the Huns when they began to invade China. †There is no analysis of a comparison of Han and Mauryan/Gupta methods of political control. Sample: 3C Score: 3 There is no valid thesis because the essay attempts to show a difference between Han and Rome in terms of the Roman Republic, which is outside the time period. The essay only addresses similarities, not valid differences (1 point). The evidence is sufficient for the Han, but the only valid piece of evidence for Rome is the statement that â€Å"He [Augustus] defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony making sure that Rome is politically secured†(1 point). Most of the Roman evidence is prior to 31 B. C. E. and therefore did not earn credit. The essay has a valid direct comparison in the fourth paragraph: â€Å"The size of both empires was an issue that led to leaders ultimately losing political control of both empires†(1 point).  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. How to cite Ap World History 2010 Q3, Papers
Theory Practice and Clinical Simulations †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Theory Practice and Clinical Simulations. Answer: Introduction: This essay is about a 40 year old woman Janet Jackson is a single parent and has three teenage children. She has been experiencing symptoms which has led to the diagnosis of uterine fibroids (leiomyomas).She has a history of depression and is a heavy smoker. Janet was admitted to hospital for a vaginal hysterectomy via spinal anaesthesia. She was transferred to the ward after 2 hours in the post-anaesthetic recovery room (PARU).She has an indwelling urinary catheter in situ and patient controlled analgesia. Janet was observed on the basis of several parameters such as respiration rate 30 per minute, BP 90/50mm Hg, Pulse 130bpm, temperature 36.5o C, Pain 0/10 . She has an indwelling urinary catheter in situ with 10mls of urine output for the last hour .It has been planned for Janet to be discharged after two days on the ward. Uterine leiomyomas (fibroids or myomas) are benign tumors present in the uterus. They are majorly found in women who are capable of reproduction. They occur from the myometrial layer of the uterine corpus or the uterine cervix. Uterine leiomyomas may occur single or in group after multiplying. They can be found within the muscular layer (intramural) or protrude outward to become subserosal in location or inward towards the cavity of endometrium, where they are called as submucous fibroids (White,2017).Abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs due the presence of fibroids and it occurs when the lining of endometrium gets distorted and hence is more commonly observed with submucous fibroids. An individual affected from Uterine leiomyomas leads to a variety of symptoms such as menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhoea and inter menstrual bleeding, chronic pain in the pelvis, bloating in stomach, increase in urine output, and disturbed functioning in bowel. It may also result in the loss of reproductive functions and result in sub fertility, loss of pregnancy or complications. There are several nursing management strategies that should be followed for Mrs. Janet.Since, the respiration rate of Janet is 30 per minute and a pulse of 130, which is quite high as compared to a normal respiration rate she should be taken for emergency help.She had an increased pulse rate of 130 which occurs due to the shortness of breath or tiredness. It may also result in cardiac arrest in Mrs.janet. There is also a risk of obstruction in the airway and the nurses should open the airway as soon as possible by lifting her chin and head in a tilted position (Ball et al., 2013).After opening the airway, nurses should check whether the patient is breathing normally or not for at least 10 seconds. The movement of chest should be observed in a careful manner and they should listen to his sounds of breathing and feel his exhaled breathing. The nurses and other health care staff should monitor the output of urine in Mrs. Janet. The nursing staff and the clinicians should help Mrs. Janet in exercising regularly and provide physiotherapy sessions which would play a significant role in improving her mobility. It would make her independent again .Mrs. Janet should be advised to have a nutritional diet along with plenty of fluids which would help in the regeneration of tissue and healing (Epstein Turner,2015).She should be advised protective measures to avoid various kinds of infection, injuries after the patient has under gone surgery. Mrs. Janet should be provided palliative care which is a special type of care given to patients. It should be given to her in an efficient way which would help her to get rid from physical pain and stress. It involves the collaborative efforts of several clinicians, nursing staff to help the patient in getting well soon and improve their health. There are several nursing care goals for providing priority nursing care in relation to the nursing issues that have been identified. Mrs. Janet should be empowered and provided care by understanding her needs and demands. She should also be provided psychosocial care that will help her to get rid of depressive symptoms, pain and anxiety developed due to surgery. She should be advised to follow a few precautions to manage emotional issues like taking regular exercise and a well balanced diet (Daly, Speedy Jackson, 2017).She should not be allowed to smoke after the surgery as she was a heavy smoker. She should also discuss her issues with other patients who had undergone vaginal hysterectomy. Mrs. Janet can also be provided counseling with a health counselor to share her feelings that will help her in feeling positive. Mrs. Janet suffers from severe depression so she can also be advised to take the help of antidepressants, which is very helpful and her them feel good about themselves. The doctors and the nursing staff should provide proper care and post- operative follow ups to Mrs. Janet. She should also be asked about her mental and emotional issues or problems to assess her psychological status such as if he is still suffering from depression, anxiety, sadness, anger or frustration (Maslow, 2013).Nursing care for Mrs. Janet are that she should be encouraged to take appropriate amount of rest which would help in conserving her energy and avoid fatigue. Mrs. Janet should be counseled and guided properly to take appropriate rest and several precautions to improve the condition of her health (Epstein Turner, 2015).She should be advised to follow the principles of self- actualization which is known to lead to a healthy mental state and will foster to improve her positive attributes and do not focus on their negative attributes. She would be self-determined and have a high self esteem. Self actualization plays a significant role in providing person- centered care to patients sufferings from psychosocial issues such as depressive symptoms associated with serious diseases. The nurses should follow the principles proposed by The Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses which aims to provide to provide guidance to the nursing professionals about their roles and responsibilities to provide care to the patients in an ethical and effective manner. It includes various values such as the nurses should maintain their dignity and their patients as well to listen to their patient (Ehde et. al.2014). It will develop a strong relation between the nursing staff and Mrs. Janet. This will develop a bond of trust and care and a between her and the doctor and ultimately would develop a positive approach and reduce the stress about her condition. It will reduce the complications in her and decrease in post operative complication. The nurses should improve time- management skills during dealing with patients and they should also to be more patient. Mrs. Janet should be provided proper nursing care by the nursing staff and other health care professionals. Janet and her daughter should be provided appropriate guidance about the disorder, symptoms, procedure of treatment and the precautions to prevent any future health effe cts .A lack of proper communication may lead to issues and errors in the treatment. Janet should be been provided proper counseling and psychosocial support so that she becomes confident and does not remain tensed about the disease. She should be advised to ask if she has any problems and doubts about the health issue .This would motivate her and provide patient satisfaction thus improving her well being. A proper communication to patients plays an important role in improving the hospital journey and reduces the anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms (Mischel, 2013).Lack of proper communication leads to issues such as a delay in treatment and sometimes may cause adverse health effects among them. This decreases their bonding with healthcare professionals such as clinicians and nurses and creates misunderstanding and confusion about the treatment and the precautionary measures that should be taken. She should discuss her problems with her daughters and friends since she is also suffering from hypotension and depression. The interdisciplinary team for Mrs. Janet involves the hospital staff of the OT, counselor and the dietician .They would play an important role in providing person centered care to her so that she gets well soon. The staff of the OT would keep a check on the condition of Mrs. Janet by monitoring her signs and symptoms (Niemela Kim, 2014). They also make sure that she is stable enough to take him to the recovery room. A counselor will motivate her to be positive and not be depressed so that she recovers soon from depression. A dietician will advise her to .They can also help in providing proper follow ups after the treatment to keep a track on the side effects of the medications prescribed to him. It can be concluded that several strategies should be taken into account to provide proper information to family members in order to provide proper patient care and satisfaction. Regular follow-ups should also be conducted for the patient to keep a check on his health. It may lead to mental issues such as depression and may have an adverse effect on the psychological condition of the patient. The doctors should provide proper support and inform about the precautionary measures to be followed. She should be prohibited from smoking again and which may result in several health issues such as cardiovascular problems including heart stroke, heart attack and ultimately death .They should also make sure they solve their problems and issues. Mrs. Janet should be treated empathetically and with courteousness and should be counseled properly so that she can explain the severity of her pain. Various tools for the assessment of pain should be used if she is feeling discomfort. The nurses and oth er healthcare professionals should help her and provide psychosocial care along with palliative care so that she gets well soon. References Ball, J. E., Murrells, T., Rafferty, A. M., Morrow, E., Griffiths, P. (2013). Care left undoneduring nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care.Quality and Safety in Health Care, bmjqs-2012. Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D. (2017).Contexts of nursing: An introduction. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ehde, D. M., Dillworth, T. M., Turner, J. A. (2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: Efficacy, innovations, and directions for research.American Psychologist,69(2), 153. Epstein, B., Turner, M. (2015). The nursing code of ethics: Its value, its history.OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,20(2). Huber, D. (2013).Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Wall, P., Andrus, P., Morrison, P. (2014). Bridging the theory practice gap through clinical simulations in a nursing under-graduate degree program in Australia.International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research,8(1). Lehne, R. A., Rosenthal, L. (2014).Pharmacology for Nursing Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Maslow, A. H. (2013).A theory of human motivation. Simon and Schuster. Maslow, A. H. (2013).Toward a psychology of being. Simon and Schuster. Mischel, T. (Ed.). (2013).Cognitive development and epistemology. Academic Press. White, M. P. (2017). Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumors of Uncertain Malignant Potential (STUMP): Review of Pathophysiology, Classification, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Surveillance.Journal of Healthcare Communications,2(4).
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Technopoly The Surrender of Culture to Technology Essay Example For Students
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology Essay Perhaps David Biancullis new book should have been entitled Defending the Indefensible. Instead, the veteran television critic for the New York Post has chosen Teleliteracy: Taking Television Seriously as his title, and made the virtual vindication of the medium his proposition. We wont appreciate the artistry of television or understand American culture, Bianculli argues, until we begin to take television programming seriously. Bianculli has a two-pronged defense. First, he goes to bat for television by reframing the idea of cultural literacy, described a few years ago by E.C. Hirsch in his book Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Hirsch condemned American education for not transmitting the significant artifacts and ideas of our culture, but Bianculli asserts that such a concern misses the point. If you want to talk about knowledge that is shared by everyone, he says, the area to focus on is television. Television is our most common language, our most popular pastime, our basic point of reference. Hence, the term teleliteracy. Where most social critics would find this situation lamentable, Bianculli finds much to endorse and even celebrate about American television. Second, Bianculli scolds intellectuals and academics who vilify popular culture and, in what has become a time-honored tradition, ridicule television. From Plato to Postman, Bianculli writes, referring to fellow media commentator Neil Postman, its been open season on the most popular mass media and its about time someone fired back. The omnipresent storyteller We will write a custom essay on Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Bianculli takes a first shot with a media manifesto through which he seeks to prove that, contrary to the opinions of many of his peers, television is too important to turn off. In short chapters positing arguments ranging from the sociological (television is not the cause of violence in America) to the theoretical (some television can be considered literature), Bianculli avows that television deserves serious study. He doesnt tell us how to cultivate teleliteracy, however; he only tells us its okay to watch television. Although he writes with an appealingly breezy style, Biancullis whimsical treatment of the weighty topics introduced in this book undermines his thesis an irony, since he opens the book with a compelling case for seriousness. Teleliteracy does demonstrate that television dramas, sit-coms and news shows need to be the subject of an authentic, humanistic discourse. As a society shaped by the media, we need to discuss the habits of thought as well as the values and myths this omnipresent storyteller helps to create and circulate. Neil Postman, chairman of the Culture and Communications Department at New York University, explores a related, inimically modern condition in his book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. Postman considers what many may only intuit: that instruments of technology have become sovereign in our lives and social institutions. In almost every facet of American life, what we cheerfully call technological advances have altered human discourse, redefined work and play and displaced tradition and manners. Postman traces the origins of this phenomenon, and questions perhaps the most powerful myth of Western culture: that a new technology always equals progress. Conceding that technology has been a very good friend delivering the goods, making our lives cleaner, easier and longer, ushering in an age of unbounded information Postman cautions that our awe of its many accomplishments has blinded us to the consequences of its gifts. According to Postman, we have given technology carte blanche in our culture. Technopoly, as he describes it, is the condition where humans have little or no control over their tools. To give technology unlimited freedom and allow it privileges to be unguarded by human reason, Postman warns, is to deny and perhaps take away our judgment. This condition can clearly be seen in what Postman calls the information glut. Modern technology has enabled information to multiply faster than we can process, comprehend or manage it. Many believe that the more information we have the better off we are, but Postman suggests that we need to combat this situation through an ecological view of the technologies that in fact bring us the information. .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .postImageUrl , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:hover , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:visited , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:active { border:0!important; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:active , .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589 .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc0bf300134185b609919708b428dd589:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Recent Negative Effect of Technology on Societ Essay Selling cars and Amy Fisher What do we need to know about television? Not how many cars it can sell or how many stories about Amy Fisher it can tell, Postman contends. We need, he writes, to know if television (or any technology) changes our conception of reality, the relationship of the rich to the poor, the idea of happiness itself. What we need to know, in other words, is not how efficient a technology is, but what values it favors or discourages. We are living in a time when our social problems are so acute that we look for a deus ex machina to solve them, and for many technology has replaced religion or art. As Postman explains, those who are in love with technology constantly develop new methods for putting forth its agenda. It is inescapable that every culture must negotiate with technology, whether it does so intelligently or not, he reasons. That forces another question: Are we up to this challenge?
Monday, April 13, 2020
Making A Close Reading Essay Is Important
Making A Close Reading Essay Is ImportantA sample close viewing essay should be given to the student so that he or she can see what the format will look like. In order to get this completed correctly, the student should understand the different roles of each writer. It is also important for the student to understand the things that can happen in a close viewing.Close viewing will begin with the student delivering his opening paragraph to the reader. This is a section that is usually very brief and can often contain several sentences in its entirety. When the student delivers his opening paragraph, he should include the name of the person giving the reading and his or her last name. After this opening paragraph, it will be time for the student to use the personal information on the list. Next, the student should introduce the writer who is about to give the reading.Next, the student will read the paragraph he or she is writing and decide what information from the reading he or she wan ts to include in the paragraph. Some examples of this could be a quote from the student's own experience, a part of a book a person has been thinking about or even a picture from the scene of the reading. After the paragraph is complete, the reader should feel the tension and hear the voice. If he or she likes what he or she reads, then he or she should continue reading.Next, the student will look at the close reading from the perspective of the writer. The writer will be reading from the point of view of the writer of the reading. The writer may be reading from a fictional story or even telling a true story. If the student has a question, the writer may answer this, but it is important for the writer to have an open mind so that they can explore their ideas.The reader will want to see how the writer of the reading reacts to the events that are taking place in the scene. Thiswill allow the student to know what to expect from the reading. The reader will want to make sure that the wr iter of the reading is being honest and how truthful the student may want them to be.After the close reading is done, the student should deliver his or her own close viewing essay. Sometimes the student will be able to write a close reading essay, but sometimes it will be impossible for the student to do so. Some students might also be able to prepare a close reading essay for school but it is not always possible.If you are giving your close viewing essay to your college or university, you can expect the professor to give a student reading first. After this, if it is okay with the professor, the student may proceed with the close viewing essay.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Message Of Babi Yar Essays - The Holocaust In Ukraine
The Message Of Babi Yar Essays - The Holocaust In Ukraine The Message of Babi Yar There are very few people in the world who are willing to go against the popular trends and do what they feel in their hearts is correct. But Yevgeny Yevtushenko is one of those people. In his poem Babi Yar, he tells the story of the modern persecution of the Jews, focusing on atrocities like those of the massacre at Babi Yar and the pogroms at Beilostok, and also the general anti-Semitism that killed men like Dreyfus and pervades the entire Russian people. The poem uses many literary devices, such as graphic imagery and contrasts, while painting a very clear picture of the scenes of pure horror. Babi Yar is written in many different voices, all of which, however, have the same message. The author starts off with his own perspective, then goes on and describes certain people in modern Jewish history whose lives will forever be remembered as symbols of the time. At the end of the poem the author comes back and speaks in his own voice, yet this time he delivers a message to his people about how they have committed a large number of these crimes against the Jews, yet think that such actions are pure and good for Russia. By switching from the voices of those who were so afflicted by the persecution to a voice of accusation, the author effectively points out how foolish the arguments of the Russians are when they try to point out any validity in killing millions of Jews. The poem starts out with a description of the ravine at Babi Yar. However, all it says is that there is nothing to describe. It calls the steep ravine, which is the grave sight of one hundred thousand people, the only memorial that is there. This frightens the author, because the massiveness of the tragedy deserves at least some recognition. Then Yevtushenko realizes that fear is a part of Judaism, something that is as old as them, and therefore originating with them. He says that he too must be a Jew for he is afraid of what his people and his society have become. Many years ago, in the "ancient days," it would not be such a shock to see the Jews enslaved in Egypt or crucified as a means of torture and death, but even in modern times the same things are going on-he still has the marks from where the nails pierced him. The author has used classical examples of Jewish persecution which every one knows is gone in the physical sense, but show how they still exist in the theoretical aspect, as the persecution is still occurring. In the next three ezzas, the poem takes the ezdpoint of three figures whose stories are pertinent examples of what Yevtushenko is trying to rely in this poem. First the voice of Dreyfus is used, and the ezza describes how horribly and unfairly he was treated, and how the country and its leaders turned their backs on him. There are two important literary devices used in this section. First the author puts the word "pettiness" on a line by itself. This is used as a declaration of what the author feels anti-Semitism is based on. It is because of pettiness that Dreyfus was accused and further because of pettiness that he was not pardoned when it was proven that he had not committed any crime. The next important device is the description of ladies with their umbrellas. This is an image to the wealthy aristocracy of France, who not only turned their backs on Dreyfus and did not help him, but also increased the effort to have him punished unnecessarily. The next Jewish figure whom the author singles out is a boy from the town of Bielostok, where one of the most horrible pogroms ever took place. The entire ezza focuses on the image of how bad the people were who participated in the pogrom. Using graphic images of blood spurting all around and of victims pointlessly begging for mercy, the author clearly shows how wrong the pogroms were and wrong his countrymen were for allowing them to occur. A device the author uses in this ezza is contrast, as in
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